Power & Manipulation

I don't believe that I was born for politics. The bickering back and forth, the protesting, and "game" it has just no significant pull for me. In fact, most of the time I am rather put off by the whole of it. I do, however, like the details. Give me facts, lots of them, and honesty. But can you really have honesty in politics? To me it is much more of a power struggle - who is bigger, more important, on top more often that matters. Then in retrospect it also seems to be who is the stronger manipulator of the facts. Both issues are things I can't really stand: Power and Manipulation. Neither are valuable and yet both seem to be centralized in the political world.

A month or so ago my neighbors were outside sharing good reads with me. Several of them chimed in that I needed to read Angels and Demons and the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. I called up my father-in-law and borrowed the books. Since, I have already watched the Hollywood version of the Da Vinci Code I choose to read Angels and Demons instead. Similar to the movie it took me on a twisted tale of truth or lie about what we know regarding our most elite men. It searched for answers to symbols and shapes but it also presented two words again: power and manipulation. Was it a good read? Yes and no. The insights were fun and interesting but the diabolical debate between science and religion was once again a forefront issue. If you are a bandwagon joiner then perhaps this is a good one for you - you can claim your stake with the church or join the science purists once and for all. Me - well I enjoyed the book but I'm ready to head to a new author for now. One that, hopefully, steers clear of power and manipulation.


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