I have a particular take on self help books. Many people disagree with my stance and that is why bookstores are loaded with self help guides. Because they sell. We figure if we buy a book on "how to" we will find miraculous answers. Truth be told, we are actually just reading another persons take on the issue. See what it really boils down to is - perspective . Granted the authors often have education and experiences that help them conceive these written works. Yet, I get so frustrated when people refer to the books as though they are the "only way, that is "what the book says to do." Sure, ok. You see I have a pretty cynical stance. It all started last year when I really examined the issue of perspective in great detail. The process helped me to realize that it is good to read, explore alternative points of view but to understand that in context they (the authors) are just human, offering another view and perhaps a fresh look. Therefore, I now view self-help a...