New, New, New! A fun way to prep for Summer

Whoa, where have I been? Reading the last post makes me realize how little free time I have had in the last two months to do my favorite hobby - read! Although I have been reading it has not been information or materials that you would probably care to hear about. Nor is it a lack of good books to read. my shelves are wonderfully full. The real reason for the absence if rather a long story in and of itself and can wait for another time. Today I want to tell you about a new book and a new author for me.

Kristen Heitzmann author of Indivisible is my latest reading material. Nearing the end now and really enjoying each page. She, Kristen, is an excellent tapestry writer with the ability to weave many characters into a very dynamic illustration of life. The imagery is real and you can easily feel with each character. At first, within the first chapter, the mystery seemed to great with too many unknowns...but pressing on each unfolding and revelation explains why it was necessary to leave so many details absent.

In preparation for your summer reading this year I highly recommend adding Kristen to your list of authors to read. The publishers have put together a little audio clip that helps you to meet Kristen and get the inside scoop on her thinking when creating this new adventure.

This book was provided for review from Waterbrook Press Publishing Company.


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